Monday, October 8, 2012

Autumn Weather Has Arrived

With the weekend came autumn and all that goes with it.  A look at the calendar a couple of weeks ago would have confirmed that it was officially autumn but it wasn’t until last Friday that the weather verified it.  Friday evening the wind shifted to out of the north and clouds rolled across our little bit of the country and that is when the temperatures began to drop.  The sumac bushes have begun to take on their cloak of red leaves as a harbinger of the changing weather.  Saturday could not have been considered cold in the middle of the winter but for the first cool snap of fall it was pretty chilly.  The temperature dropped down into the upper forties (Fahrenheit) and remained cool all day. 
Fall flowers are everywhere but some are small and require
a little looking  to find.

This time of year is nice to pass away a few moments on the front porch, sipping coffee and watching the leaves change.  From there we can watch the hummingbirds feeding like there is not tomorrow when in fact it may be tomorrow that they decide to head south to Mexico or Central America or where ever it is they spend their winters. I am continuing to fill their feeders but know I should stop soon in order to let them go south soon.
On Saturday I moved some of our bird feeders, cleaned them out and got them ready for the all of the birds that will be migrating into our area with the change of seasons.  We have a small store of firewood stacked for winter .  I have found three or four downed trees to cut and stack to get us through the winter.  We primarily heat our home with wood and only supplement with LP when we absolutely have to.  Today, I have taken the day off to be with Logan and Holden and handle a few things around the house and none of which are getting done while I am sitting here banging on this computer.

I hope all is well in your “neck of the woods” and that you are enjoying the change of seasons as much as my family is.

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