Sunday, November 11, 2012

Novembers Come and Go

As Novembers come and go, this one has been pretty normal. The temperatures have sometimes been below normal and  at other times above normal. The leaves have changed from deep green to pale yellow and now don the trees with infinite shades of red, orange and almost purple as they ready themselves to carpet the forest floor beneath their boughs and limbs. With every gust of wind the trees give up more of their summer coats as leaves float, blow and swirl to the ground around me on my routine walks through the woods around our home.
In November leaves of a thousand colors carpet the forest floor.

This weekend has been a big weekend in our little town. Our annual community celebration was a big success with music, food, vendors of crafts and games and even rides for children of all ages. The weather was wonderful and the event was a big success. I am sorry I missed it but youth sports are a big portion of our life around this house. We left early in the day for  Laurel where FHS played in a high school soccer tournament that lasted all day. The FHS boys played very well. They tied the first game and won their second game. Both  of these games against schools that are much larger than our 4A school. The FHS defending State Champion girl's team dominated their opponents winning both of their games handily against the same schools played by the boys. It appears from where I sit that we are in for another very good soccer season at Florence.

Back to November.  This weekend has been warm but, if we can trust the weatherman, and The Old Farmers Almanac , @almanac the weather is about to change. A cold front is coming our way that is about to bring storms, rain and below freezing  temperatures. This is always expected this time of year. As they sound around the Great Lakes, the Witch of November is coming our way.

The leaves have changed from deep green
to pale yellow and now don the trees with infinite shades of red,
orange and almost purple
as they ready themselves to carpet the
forest floor beneath their boughs and limbs.

Portable greenhouses waiting to
protect my tender fall garden
against the elements.

Today before the rain starts I will bring firewood to the house so I can light a fire with dry wood. The heating season is about to begin and we better get ready for it.

Until next time...John

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