Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Little Ever Done about the Weather

It is another rainy, cold January day.  It is amazing how different two weeks' weather can be here in Mississippi this time of year.  Mark Twain said, " A great, great deal has been said about the weather but very little has ever been done."  That is all too true.  That is enough about the weather for today.I am hoping that I will have a few minutes later in the day to take a short walk in the woods myself.

I don't know that I have ever mentioned it in this blog but I  am an avid reader.  Dre' sometimes thinks I am crazy (for many reasons) because I am often reading four or five books at a time.  I will read chapters from one book and switch for a short time to another one and then another.  Then if the mood hits me I change back to original book I was reading. Because of this, I often take as much as two months to  finish a book.  That won't be the case with the book I am reading now and honestly wasn't with the one I just finished reading.

Day before yesterday I started reading "A Walk in the Woods" by Bill Bryson. I got the book because one of my passions is hiking and have always had the dream of walking the Appalachian Trail.  This book is the story Bill's preparation and through hike up the AT.  I have hiked small portions of the AT here and there and armed with that small amount of knowledge and his words and creative writing style, I am riveted to the book's pages and can't wait until my work day is over so I can pick it up and dive back between the pages.  I will tell you more about the book as I get deeper into it but, let me tell you it is not what I expected.  I was expecting a book full of nature and all of the technical jargon and romance involved in hiking and backpacking.  His narrations are excellent and they make you feel like you are on the trail...that was expected.  What wasn't expected was how dang funny this book is.  I was in the bed reading, laughing out loud after only a few pages into the book.  I am about a fourth of the way through it and look with anticipation to the evening hours when I can get back to reading it.

 For now though, lunch is over and I have to get back to work.

Until next time...John

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