Friday, September 20, 2013

Red Sky in Morning, Sailor Take Warning

I rise in the morning a couple of hours before the sun does and by the time I went outside to feed the chickens, horses, etc. the sky was ablaze with hundreds of red hues. Most of the time, according to legend and lore, a red sky in morning means sailor should take the warning.   Usually this means we will have rain coming in the next 24 hours.  

This morning we witnessed a brilliant red sky but of course, several days ago we experienced a beautiful red sky in the morning and we saw absolutely no rain. So that morning the red sky only meant we got a beautiful view that morning.  Because the lore failed me a few days ago, if decided to follow a more technological approach  and I looked at the weather forecast and pulled up weather radar on my iPhone and  I think the lore about the sky will, this morning, be correct. I am including a screenshot from my iPhone so you can see the weather that is apparently in store for us in the central Mississippi today. I think we are in for a s stormy Friday.The day started warm and muggy.  I think the humidity also means we will have a stormy day but the bad weather is riding in on cool front so we may be experiencing slightly cooler temperatures tonight and this weekend . 

I don’t know if I have ever mentioned it but, the old Jeep I drive does not have air conditioning.  99.9% of the time this does not bother me. I am accustomed to the heat and humidity of our summers and in the winter, the vehicle has a very good, warm heater.  B
ut, when it is rainy in the summer it is sometime uncomfortable. Because my old convertible top was beginning to show some signs of wear (really it was showing a lot of wear), I recently decided to remove it and put my hard top on for the winter.  I have had this top for years and have never used it. The unfortunate thing is that the doors that fit the soft top don’t fit the hard top so, I don’t have doors on my Jeep right now.   To make a long story short, I am pretty confident I will be getting wet today on my drive home. This time of year it won't be cold.   It'll be cool and I might be a little uncomfortable but it won't be a bad ride. Actually, I think it will be kind of nice affording me a chance to feel nature on my skin in the form of a late summer rain. 

Until next time…John

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