Folklore has wait weatherlore has it that for every fog in August you will have a snow in winter. Today is the third day of August and there was no doubt about it, we had a heavy fog this morning. So, by this measure, we should be expecting at least one snowfall in Central Mississippi this winter.
I am certain that weatherlore is based as much on observation through the years of common weather occurrences as on educated speculation, but from all my readings and observations through the years it is amazing how much of this folklore seems to be correct.
I always predict our first frost of the fall by when the goldenrod is in full bloom. I look at wooly worm coats for color and thickness, the color of our local whitetail deer coats, how strongly a pig builds its nest of sticks and numerous other things to predict the coming winter weather. You can say it is just folklore, but I have often maintained a garden deep into the autumn based on my predictions. I have also harvested my last vegetables early in the season just to beat a frost the goldenrod told me was coming.
I am in a rush. I am heading to my day job...the one that pays so I will have to go for now. Until next time...
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