Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Welcome to the country

coun·try:  rural districts, including farmland, parkland, and other sparsely populated areas, as opposed to cities or towns.

This is how we define country. Country is very easy to define but extremely difficult to pinpoint. It is the part of our globe that is not in a city or town.  Country is where the air is clear and sounds are muffled and it is a good place to go to listen to your own thoughts or get lost in a moment looking at a drop of dew on a blade of grass. Country is a place where you can enjoy nature in the shade of an old oak tree.  Country is sunlight filtering through a tree and a deer watching you as you sit alone while witnessing an early morning sunrise. Country is the fog resting lazily just above the creek on the first cool morning of autumn.  Country is all of these things and more.  In the weeks and months ahead I am going to do my best to tell you of the simple things that make my life in rural America unique.  Everyday brings its own set of challenges, opportunities and above all blessings and I will do my best to share some of my special moments with you.  

I hope you will find the time to visit this blog and read the words I share.  From time to time I may share a photo or a recipe...things of real value to me.