Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Morning Walk Along Our Little Country Lane

My morning walks down my drive provide me with
sights and sounds that set the stage for my entire day 
The old saying is "red sky in morning, sailor take warning", meaning if the sunrise is red then rain is on the way. Our forecast here is for rain and I think before the day is over we may indeed get it some rain but, I learned a long time ago if there is a heavy morning dew on the grass, rain is not going to fall soon.  This morning there was indeed a heavy dew and as I write this post I am sitting in the park near the office building where I work and there is still no rain.  The skies are overcast and the temperature is warm but, rain is by no means  eminent.
This morning I found these along my way.
I hope you derive even a small portion of the joy from seeing them as I do
I started my walk this morning in that time of day when dark has not yet departed and daylight has not yet arrived; one of my favorite times of the day.  In the warm damp morning I heard the buzzing of mosquitoes and above them the lonely sound of a train whistle riding on the still morning air.  I walked for only about twenty minutes yet I was able to experience many of the things that draw me to and keep me living in the country. As the sun rose, the sky ignited into a slowly exploding red flash of sunlight.  With it came a visible mist hanging heavy in the branches of the  trees. As the daylight encroached on the woods along the drive I saw small whitetail deer watching me as I walked within 30 yards of him.  His new small horns, were still covered in green velvet and wet from the heavy dew that clung to everything in the woods.  As I continued along my way I heard the song birds beginning their morning chorus and,  as I got closer to where our drive exits the woods and enters the field in front of our house, I heard the calling of crows as they warned each other of my presence.
All-in-all, this is just another day of the 21,000 some odd days I have been on this earth.  Hopefully, I have not taken any of them for granted.  I know that this one, like all others is a blessing to be savored and enjoyed right down to the last second. 
I hope your day is a memorable one.

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