Sunday, August 11, 2013

A Quick Update

This afternoon I decided, in spite of the heat, that it was time to do a little fence repair.   We have a small pasture that I haven't used since the horses escaped from it several months ago. The temperature was a very warm 94 degrees and the humidity in the woods made it feel like it was much hotter than that.  I didn't really know what to expect as far as the fence damage goes, so I took a bare minimum of supplies with me.  I carried a fencing tool, a machete to clear my way and a 22 cal. rifle in case I saw any venomous snakes.  

I was in the woods for approximately 3 hours and by the time I finished my clothes were soaking wet with perspiration and I had been bitten by about a hundred mosquitos, gnats, ants and a few other pests,  When I first  got in the woods where the fence runs among the small hardwoods and pine trees, I thought the fence was in pretty good shape. then I made the first 90 degree turn and I ran out of luck.  I had to stretch and tighten all of the strands as I moved my way along the fence line.  That is of course, to be expected.  What wasn't expected was that I had to remove scores of small dead trees and limbs from the fence. All of this debris had fallen across the fence in the numerous storms we have had through out the year.  There were even muscadine and cross vines growing among the strands that had to be removed.  

Our three corgis went with me to keep me company but Ponce and Bonnie headed back to the house when it started raining.  Belle on the other hand stayed with me, taking every step I took as I worked my way around the perimeter of the fence. Belle, the youngest of the three, is a real trouper and loyal to the end.  

After a couple of gallons of sweat and various nicks, scratches and bites, I finished my work and as a result will be able to move the horses tomorrow if I get home before dark.  

Even though it is late summer, soon I will have to be gathering firewood for the winter.  Right now it is still too hot, but there are a lot of downed trees that I can cut into firewood and that will keep me busy throughout the fall.  

Last week, I bottled a few bottles of white wheat beer I brewed and then I brewed about two gallons of stout that will be ready to bottle in about a week or so.  This is just a hobby of mine.  I have told Dre' that I think beer brewing is sort of like making jelly and jam.  It really feels good to see raw materials come together as a usable product.  

I have been keeping close watch on my mead and it is really pretty good.  The first batch has been bottled and the second and third batches will be ready to bottle any day now.  I did a little experiment during blackberry season and I added a few blackberries to one of the batches.  It is really good and the aroma is wonderful.  I can't wait until it ages enough to bottle and sample properly.  

It is time to go and spend some quality time with the family so that is about it for tonight.  I hope your summer is going well. To my friends in Australia I wish we could enjoy a little of your cooler weather here in the northern hemisphere.  

Until next time....John

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