Monday, March 23, 2020

Reaching Out...But Not Touching Hands

Never a Dull Moment in the Home Office

It has been a mix of sun and rain here today.  The weather has been very seasonal and it is easy to forget about all that is going on around our country and the globe.  Here in rural America, it is not so different than anywhere else.  People are adjusting to the new and temporary norm of social distancing and working remotely.

Skinks by B-Beatty as it appeared on
I was at work in my home office before daylight this morning and as the sun rose and the shadows in the woods behind my house began to lighten, I glanced out just in time to see a flying squirrel soar from one giant oak tree to another.  Later as the sun warmed the brick window ledge outside my office I watched two skinks in what appeared to be a mating ritual.  The stripes on the male's back disappeared and his head and neck turned bright and bold orange.  They danced around each other as only skinks can do, but alas he was distracted by something else and left abruptly. So, they did not consummate the deal. He was gone and she lay or stood there, with skinks you really can't tell. And as only a skink can do, looking sort of mad but not disappointed she snacked on a small grasshopper that made the mistake of landing near her.

Neil Diamond, Serenaded Us with a Special COVID 19  Version of "Sweet Caroline"

 Niel Diamond Serenades Us. Yesterday I was searching around the web for some good news to report on my blog and I ran across this and wanted to share it with you.  Neil Diamond serenaded us to lift our spirit with a twist on one of his all-time best selling hits Sweet Caroline. Click on the link below to see and hear Neil sing his song just for you.

This type of loyalty to his fans is exemplary of the many things that continue to make Neil Diamond one of the most loved entertainers of our time.  But I must admit his wonderful bass-baritone voice hasn't hurt in that aspect either.

Thank you Mr.Diamond for sharing your gift with us.

Here are Some Links You Might Enjoy If You are Looking to Break Away from the Normal News Cycle

There are hundreds if not thousands of places to look for entertaining magazines, newspapers and periodicals online.  Take your time and search around the internet and find some that suit your way of life and interests. When you find them send me the links and I will share them with my readers.

Below you will find a few that I enjoy online.

 Outdoor Life 
Trailgroove Online Magazine- this is one of my favorites. American Birding Association

Until next time...enjoy your life every day!

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