Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Country is A Great Place to Be

There Are Other Coronas Like Better

It has been a long time since I awoke early every morning to dash to the news and check the world situation. This is not to say that I am not normally a news junky but it is to say that I am now. Like so many others, more consumed by the goings-on in the world with the rapid spread of  Covid-19 I have broken my morning routine to quickly check the news to see the progress of the Pandemic before I look at anything else...that is if you can find anything else. Because of the nature of this virus, the news is more urgent and obviously more personal than it most often is, even when the stories come from the other side of the world.  

I don't know about you but I am tired of seeing the picture of the corona above (COVID -19), I would rather see one or two other types of coronas. One on the left here isn't too bad to look at.

I could dwell on all of the bad we are seeing and hearing on the news or social media but I think, for a while at least, I am going to share with you the primarily good news that I see. 

Now, Some Good News

Spring Has Sprung

While we have been enjoying spring weather for several weeks here in the southern United States, the season officially rolled around on the calendar last week.  We have, up until today, had absolutely beautiful weather.  It has been sunny and warm with temperatures in the low 80s in the day and in the low 60s at night.  
Today it is raining but the temperature is Mild and the day is off to a great start. This morning I actually awoke to the sound of a single, loud clap of thunder as a brief storm rolled across the county.  I could have easily gone back to sleep except for Tip our little dog is deathly afraid of thunder. As a result, he bounded into our bed and I gathered him in my arms and took him to my office to soothe him by giving him a little company. After getting out of bed and calming him, I made some dark roast coffee and listened to the rain outside my window.

Text Message from a Friend

Last night I got a text from a friend.  He is a former print journalist and a bit of curmudgeon. His text said," Who knew I had been a practitioner of social distancing, all this time I just wanted to be left alone?" That sums him up.

Charles Barkley in the News source: 

Last week former NBA star and Sports Broadcaster Charles Barkley said, "I don't think I need to walk around with my gold medals or my MVP trophy for people to know I am Charles Barkley, so I am going to sell all that crap." After that he announced he is going to auction off his trophies and award medals, take the proceeds and build 20 affordable houses in his hometown of Leeds, Alabama. After admitting he didn't care much for memorabilia, he told WJOX 94.5 " I want to do something really nice for Leeds, and I could build 10-20 affordable houses. I want to go green houses, too. If I could sell all that stuff, it would just be a really cool thing."

Thank you, Charles Barkley, for being a really good human being.

Seven Feel-Good Movies: One a Day for the Upcoming Week

These are in no particular order, just the way they came to mind.

Up (2009) - This is a great movie in which a goofy little kid, an old grouch and an A.D.D. dog all form fast friendships with a common goal in an uncommon situation. This movie is sure to make you feel good. Take the time to watch it. You will feel better for it.

Big (1988) - A boy,  makes a wish and he turns into Tom Hanks. Hillarious situations await as a boy's innocence somehow translates differently through a man's body and actions.  Watch this and you will jump back in time with the sometimes silly plot and excellent acting of Tom Hanks.

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) - Jimmy Stewart tackles corrupt politics in this classic film from the golden age of Hollywood.  What you have here is a movie with a lot of heart.  Of course, it is. Jimmy Stewart is the star.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) - Every kid's dream is answered in this movie. You will be transported back to a time when all you wanted to do was sleep late and play hooky from school. Oh, what happens to that Ferrari is a shame. (No classic cars were hurt in the filming of this movie.) Enjoy this movie over and over again.

When Harry Met Sally - This may be the best romantic comedy of our time. Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan are at their best. With a plot that takes two friends from their college days through the years where they find they are more than just friends.  The road to this discovery is winding and hilarious. This movie was worth the admission just to see Meg Ryan "enjoying" herself in the diner. Watch this and laugh like someone is tickling you.

Groundog Day (1993) - A modern classic we have all probably watched a dozen times. Bill Murray is classic Bill Murray in this film as he plays a weatherman who just can't make it through Groundhog Day. This film is funny, touching and hopeful all at the same time.  Watch it again and then watch it again. It never gets old.

It's A Wonderful Life (1946) - I think this may be the ultimate feel-good movie but again, I am not ranking them. Jimmy Stewart's earthly load gets too heavy for him and he contemplates ending it all just to find out how much different the world would be if he had never existed. It's A Wonderful Life will make you feel good about the world around you while it proves to you it is not just for Christmas anymore.

Notes to Reflect on

  • Take some time to enjoy being with your family  
  • Read a book.
  • Take time to check on your friends and family. 
  • Enjoy a cup of tea, a cup of coffee, a glass of iced tea or for that matter any beverage of your choice, while you stay in touch with your friends via social media, text messaging, cell phone
  • Share funny stories.
  • Watch that TV series you have been wanting to watch for the past few months but haven't been able to make the time to watch.
  • Sit on your front or back porch and just look and listen to nature. 
  • Listen to the birds sing
  • Write a note to a friend.
  • Write a poem.
  • Write a novel.
  • Compose a song.
  • Do whatever it is that makes you happy.  
  • Slow down down your pace and enjoy being You.
Please share my blog with friends and family.
Until next time. Enjoy every day!

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